The Book Marketing Guys and Gals
"The Best Online and Offline Book Marketing Ideas" 
  Dec. 2024 to March 2025  Vol. 27 No. 1  
Copyright. 2025.  Al Galasso. All Rights Reserved


5 Sure-Fire Ways Market Your Self-Published Book
Enter Your Book in Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards
Publishers and Writers Corner
Marketsmart Classifieds
Free Gifts for Subscribers


Entries in the Winter 2025  Pinnacle Book Achievement  Awards is now taking place.   Winners will receive recognition in Book Dealers World, and at our website. Plus, news of winners will be sent by Press Release to media all over the country. And there is also a Special New Pinnacle E-Book Section as well. Get your Entry Form at:

How To Sell Your Books As Gifts
For All The Special Holidays
That Occur Each Year

Discover how easy it is to make BIG money with your book or product every single week from this ever growing niche market.  You will learn how to profit from it with online sales-producing marketing strategies. Click on the book for complete details

5 Sure-Fire Ways Market Your Self-Published Book
By Eva Torsun

The concept of self-publishing is not new at all. Many authors self-published their books every year but very few of them are successful in selling their copies. Writing needs a lot of time and efforts. Authors don't want to ruin their time and efforts they put in writing. To get the attention of readers there are many marketing strategies adopted by various authors.

The dream of every author is to get into the list of best sellers. To make the dream come true many tries hard but not always get successful. Marketing is the main strategy to get more sales and public attention. Marketing a self-published book needs a lot of hard work. The wrong strategies can ruin your whole efforts. The top ways through which you can market successfully will be discussed in this blog.

A best seller doesn't mean that it is written quite well. It is true that a good story attracts readers but marketing is the key to get more sales on the board. The top ways that can help you to market your book successfully are discussed below.
Get in Stores

Book stores are a great way to market your self-published book. Your book kept in the shop display shelving will surely attract the readers. You can directly contact the librarians and bookstores via email to discuss your book. You will also need to contact the wholesalers who provide books to the stores. The top wholesalers are

    Baker & Taylor
    America West

Plan Launch According to Your Goals

You need to identify your goals of launching your self-published book. Many authors want to get into the New York Times' best-seller list. This could be hard but not impossible. A new writer still has chances to get into the list. You need to sale thousands of copies from the vendors that directly reports to the New York Times. Do the promotion according to your goals and you will achieve the desired results.
Engage Your Audience

Engaging the audience means to let them know about your self-published book and about yourself. The description of an author describes the material right in the book. For example, the writer is a content creator and written book on how to be a successful content writer than surely a reader will know which type of material will be there in its book. Running a blog will help you to market and engage the audience.

Make Trailer

As it is said that people judge on what they see therefore it is necessary for you to create a positive impact by producing a book trailer for your self-publication. Your book trailer can get viral which can bring more sales.
Use Social Media to Market

Using the social media platform is the best way to market your self-published book. Remember that selling and marketing are both different things so don't get confused between them. Before listing your book on Amazon or anywhere else try to get known by your readers. You can simply run the adds telling about your experience in a certain field. Also, try to get into the watt pad groups where you will find a lot of potential readers.

Publishers & Writers Marketing Corner

Get your New Book listed in the Free Directory of New Books from Independent Publishers.You can include your title, ISBN, address, e-mail and brief description.

Book Award Pro is how authors become award-winning authors. Make your reason for writing successful. It all starts with igniting fanfare for your book. Book awards give you an exciting way to impact your cause, keep your author image fresh, entice readers, and create buzz for your book. Find out about this amazing book award opportunity at

The Bookstore at the End of the World,
a storefront launched in March by 15 New York City booksellers who were unemployed or underemployed due to the Covid-19 crisis, now includes 45 booksellers representing 15 shops from seven cities across the U.S., including Portland, Ore., Philadelphia, Chicago, San Francisco, Long Island and Mystic, Conn. Bookstore at the End of the World has thus far sold more than 3,500 books, along with over 450 T-shirts totaling more than $60,000 in sales. They have also prepared a pre-order list  of some of the books they are looking forward to in the coming months.

"The Donna Seebo Show" has moved to the PWR Network and has expanded into a larger international market. Donna interviews authors and their new books daily. The time of the program 9 am to 10 am Pacific Time,  and the format Personal Empowerment will remain the same. For more information, go to

Deborah Perdue, NABE member and book author, is also a quality book designer. Find out how she can design your book cover and other materials at reasonable cost by visiting her website at

Nancy Batra is a Children Book Illustrator/Designer from Australia. She can draw illustrations of almost every style and also designs Book Covers and the inside pages. For more info send an e-mail to


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Closing Date For Next Issue:  20th of  Feb 2025


See The Latest Variety of Must-Read Books at our brand new Hot Books To Promote Page. Add One Or More To Your Web Site, Store  or Catalog.

"Train Your Brain" by Dana Wilde is a combination of easy-to-understand information explaining how your brain works and why you are getting the results you are getting, combined with easy-to-implement Mindware Experiments for creating change in your business and in your life. This combination of mindset and action has put Train Your Brain on the map in both the business and self-development arenas. If you have ever been frustrated when someone has told you to think positive and you have wondered just how to do that. If you have hit a plateau in your business and you want to break through. If you want results to come to you easier and more quickly, then Train Your Brain is the right book for you.   Get your copy today!

Save money, time and endless searching when you are planning your next trip. Get expert guidance, personalized service, and the best possible hotel and airline values. Contact Donna Morton,Travel Consultant:
Strangers have the ability to connect with your children with just a click of the mouse. This leaves them exposed to a variety of cyber dangers that you may not be aware of until it is too late. The IntelliSpy Ultimate Child Internet Safety Kit comes to the rescue because it gives you the ability to track what your child does every time they get on the computer. You have the right to know and protect your child.  For more information on this great new product that all parents can use, contact Aaron Morton by phone at 301-412-3818 or by e-mail at

Child Guard Panda is a handy new device for parents to help keep their children from wandering off. One part is worn by the child. It sends out a constant signal to the receiver which is held by the adult and lets parents know kids have gone beyond the set distance you assigned to them. For complete details, send an e-mail to

Thank You Gifts for Reading Marketsmart:

Shelf Awareness is a series of free e-newsletters about books and the book industry. Receive daily enlightenment with our FREE weekday trade newsletter.

Website Magazine
A fr*e website offering practical advice and helpful tools from
industry experts to help any website achieve Internet success.

All good things must come to an end, and this edition of  "MARKETSMART" is now coming to a close. From all the  Marketing Guys and Gals, thank you for giving us a read! A special thanks to our advertisers and members for making this issue possible.

Here's the mandatory legal stuff:   The Marketing Guys and Gals Marketsmart Newsletter is Copyright 2024 by Al Galasso. All Rights  Reserved. This newsletter may not be included in any compilation, electronic or printed, or as part of any  commercial endeavor without written permission.       

We do not endorse specific products or services. We will not sell your name, address or other personal information to others for any reason at any time.

Although we believe all the information contained is legitimate, we cannot be held responsible for any dealings you have with  any of the people and firms mentioned in this issue. (Since we  only recommend wonderful people, this should not really be a  problem, but we have to cover all bases). All offers and links  were valid at the time we checked them out. Please forward a  copy of "Marketsmart" to anyone you feel would be interested  in receiving it.         


All the best in your marketing endeavors, 
Al Galasso, Editor At Large
The Book Marketing Guys and Gals  MARKETSMART Newsletter
PO Box 606 Cottage Grove, OR 97424
Phone:  (541) 942-7455
Web Site: 


Copyright 2025. NABE. All Rights Reserved