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Leadership & Success Training

The 3 Secrets of Top Performers
Powerful Lessons in Transformational Leadership
The 3 secret skills, a.k.a. “The Triad” teaches leaders, parents, teachers, coaches, managers, supervisors, directors a system of powerful intrinsic motives to satisfy the personal needs and values and goals of the people doing the work. Together they improve the quality of life for the performers and the company, organization, or team leading to lifelong success and happiness.                       
Challenge: How to Succeed Beyond
Beyond Your Dreams

The compelling, emotional heartwarming autobiography of sports icon Hobie Billingsley, the world's greatest diving coach. Overcoming challenges being homeless with his mother during the Great Depression to produce 132 Olympic and National Champions. One moment you laugh and the next get tearful. Hobie inspired champions to be better than they thought they could become and will inspire anyone who has challenges to overcome to succeed beyond their dreams.
Authors: Dr. Pete Andersen & Hobie Billingsley 
For complete details, e-mail: drpete@drpeteandersen.com
  Visit: https://The3SecretSkillsofTopPerformers.com

Nostalgia and Humor

It is the Sixties! Fall madly in love with New York City and the people living in it!   A young man leaves his parochial home in Dorchester, Massachusetts and moves to Manhattan.  Meet a beautiful flight attendant whose apartment is directly above his.  Be there when Robert's Fairly Famous Roast Beef Sandwiches are available at Lloyd's bar, the sandwiches that are not only  "illiterate", but "thick".  Meet the characters and emerging  who come to eat and dance to the music.

Why Men Are Suspicious of Yoga: Some Funny
Stories and and Some Not So Funny

Robert was the humor columnist for several Gatehouse Newspapers. Grady Harp suggests "Jump in for a series of fine escapes from the pickles that life at present delivers.  This is one fine attitude adjustment resource!" Some of these stories will have you laughing out loud; others, new to this edition, are poignant and powerful.  Join with "robear" as he explores the challenges of everyday life
Author: Robert "Robear" Isenberg  robear68@gmail.com 
For complete details, visit  www.robearunlimited.com

Inspiration and Motown History

One Door Closes: Overcoming Adversity
By Following Your Dreams 

Presents the inspiring stories of 16 people (including Mary Wilson of The Supremes) who have overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles in order to live into their dreams. Through their powerful stories, these dreamers share a road map guiding the reader to discover how to live their life with vision, courage, determination and passion. Incorporates holistic self-assessment tools and self-motivational techniques.

Reflections of a Love Supreme
Motown Through The Eyes of Fans
Tells the story of Motown through the eyes--and camera lenses--of its fans around the world. Many of the photos included here have never been published before, coming from fans' private collections. They are personal, behind-the-scenes glimpses of the people, places and things that made Motown the music that inspired a generation. Received a NABE Pinnacle Award as Best Music History Book.
For more info, e-mail: tom@motivactgroup.com
  or visit on the web at www.motivactgroup.com


My husband was Dale Robertson a very famous and talented actor who starred in many films. Mostly in the 1950’s. Also starred in Western Series during the golden era of the TV Western, one of the most popular genres ever produced for the small screen. One of the most popular was Tales of Wells Fargo that Dale starred in every episode. Starred in The Iron Horse, Death Valley Days. etc. New, updated edition.
For complete order info and details write to
Author: Susan Robertson  E-Mail: larruping@aol.com


Discover what it’s like to emigrate from Mexico to the United States on the basis of one family’s account. This highly readable award-winning book tells the story about arriving in southern California in the 1920s, the cultural conflicts connected with raising children in a new society, and how the “Mexican” Gil children became Mexican American as told by one of them.
Author: Carlos Gil   E-Mail:sinsalcbg@gmail.com
For complete info visit www.diversitycentral.com

Memoir and Autobiography

A Memoir of Active Faith, Profound Love, and Courageous Disability Rights explores an extraordinary love story grown out of engagement with both disability rights advocacy and Christian faith communities. This important memoir contains thoughtful, often-entertaining, and sometimes heart-wrenching anecdotes of a couple's journey to create their profoundly intimate relationship and Christian marriage, in a world not yet ready for them. 

Because Bill Rush has cerebral palsy, he does not have the use of his arms, legs or voice. Bill Rush is able to think, feel, remember, see and hear and he has used those abilities to earn a degree in journalism at a leading midwest university. This autobiography, describes his trip from what could have been mediocrity to an outstanding display of journalistic ability.

Authors: William L. Rush & Christine F. Robinson
E-Mail: chris@chrisrobinson.ca

For complete order info: visit www.chrisrobinson.com


A Science Fantasy Epic Saga like no other! She scoffs at the legends of long-ago civilizations. He grew up battling deadly dinosaurs. When their lifelines intersect, can Nikki and Rogaan survive humanity's genesis and the deliverers of Providence in our apocalyptic end times.the Four Horsemen.in the ancient battle for our human souls? An action-filled adventure series 65 million years in the making; Book winning 7 literary awards and honors!

She discovers the legends of long-ago civilizations are real. They grew up battling deadly dinosaurs and ancient corruptions. When their lifelines intersect, can Nikki, Rogaan, and Aren survive humanity's genesis and the deliverers of Providence in our apocalyptic end times.the Four Horsemen.in the ancient battle
for our human souls? An action-filled adventure series 65 million years old; Book winning 11 literary awards and honors!

Brett Vonsik Celestial Fury Publishing  E-Mail: po@primevaloringins.com
   visit www.primevalorigins.com 
             Libraries can order through Baker & Taylor & Ingram


She learns the legends of long-ago civilizations are intwined with our future. They grew up battling deadly dinosaurs, monsters of making, and ancient evils. When their lifelines intersect, can Nikki, Rogaan, Aren, and Ezerus survive humanity's genesis and the deliverers of Providence in our apocalyptic end times.the Four Horsemen.in the ancient battle for our human souls? An action-filled adventure spanning 65 million years; Book winning 17 literary awards and honors!

Brett Vonsik Celestial Fury Publishing
E-Mail: po@primevaloringins.com

For complete order & info details, visit www.primevalorigins.com 
Libraries can order through Baker & Taylor & Ingram

Mental Illness, Addiction and Woman's Struggles

Through spiritually driven text, the power of our thoughts and their impact on our body is analyzed in this enlightening guide that provides a step-by-step solution to transforming your mental and physical health. Biblical scripture is cited throughout the book with thought-provoking examinations of the text allowing for an enhanced perspective on divine guidance.


After detox, intoxicating spirits and harmful drugs may be absent from your body, but unclean spirits are still present in your mind and continue to torment you. This book explains how to release the negative elements that cause mental illness, alcoholism, and drug addiction.

Author:  Nancy Lynne Harris, MA  Godspirits United LLC
For complete order & info details, visit

COMI: How to Consciously Overcome Mental Illness
COMI is an instruction manual that explains the spiritual way to heal mental illness. To get well, the patient must improve his/her attitudes about Self. The Self is the energy that allows you to breathe, think, and live. COMI is designed for use by professionals in group therapy or by individuals seeking greater peace of mind.

Explains the negative elements that invade our mental realm from a spiritual perspective. Alcoholism, drug addiction, and mental illness are caused by the individual's unintentional neglect and ignorance of the spirit nature of the Self. Harris offers ten steps for self-healing.

Author:  Nancy Lynne Harris, MA  Godspirits United LLC
For complete order & info details, visit

A thought-provoking look into an amazing form of healing. Nancy Harris explains the spiritual healing process,which can be used to heal any illness. She teaches that we are spiritual beings attracting the visible reflection or shadow of the thoughts we think. Your body is like a thermometer registering your positive and negative feelings and attitudes.
Author:  Nancy Lynne Harris, MA   E-Mail: nancyharris.gsu@gmail.com
For complete order & info details, visit  www.nancylynneharris.com
Krissa, a woman in her sixties, has struggled for half her life against inexplicable political and psychological forces. This leads to an identity crisis until she is barely hanging by a thread. Only then does she accept the reality that was hidden from her, a reality rooted in a frightening power said to be wielded by a mysterious Onye warrior whose legend refuses to die.

Author: Stephen Alder E-Mail: stephenalder44@gmail.com
For more details, visit  www.deehabtaworld.com


The Corona Virus has prompted most American believers to feel that God is telling humanity to change how it lives. But the author of this new book sees a much bigger message in the virus. He believes that it is the ego’s power that started it to discredit God and only the power of God can change our fate. Based on the author’s knowledge that he has experienced for forty-plus years. Amazing secret revealed. Results guaranteed. For your Free Report, send your e-mail today or write directly to the author.

GO WITH THE FLOW: A Way to Blissful Living
One of the most difficult things for people to realize is that we as human beings are more than a body,mind, thoughts, emotions or feelings. Our Soul is who we are. It is the highest aspect fo ourselves, where we and God are one. This book provides a variety of tools and time tested techniques that allows you to experience yourself as Soul–and as one with God.

Author:  Rev. Dr. Mushtaq Jaafri  Mushtaq Publishing Co.
For complete order & info details, visit

Bi-Lingual Children's Books

The YaYa Books is a trilogy of stories written in both Spanish and English about a little boy and his grandmother, who is from Spain.  The first two stories describe  the boy and his grandmother’s old world way of life.  The third story describes the culture and traditions of Spain and Mexico at Christmastime.  There is a Translated Words Index at the end of the book for the story words.

The Abuelo Books, written in both Spanish and English, is a companion book to The YaYa Books.  It describes the little boy and his grandfather, Abuelo, as they work together in Abuelo’s store, and as Abuelo tells the boy a fish tale while fixing his truck to drive home.  The Translated Words Index at the end for the story words includes a list of words for counting numbers and money.

For complete order info & details send e-mail to:
  Annie Schout  anneschouest09@gmail.com
Web Site: www.annieschoutbooks.com

Literary Fiction and Children's Adventure

In masterful prose, Lee Zacharias tells the story of an unwanted child, Alex, who falls in love with a photographer at the age of 15, then leaves him in 1964 for a charismatic civil rights activist, but in 1970 the radical Weatherman takes over their collective. In 1971 Alex's husband disappears. When he reappears eleven years later, she must figure out how to create the family she has always wanted.
Lee Zacharias E-Mail:  zachpeny@gmail.com
For more info, visit www.leezacharias.com

After Loukas loses all his riches and even his family at a card game, he embarks on a treacherous journey filled with suspense and intrigue to find Destiny, Sun, and Moon. They will surely allow him to reverse his misfortune, restore his honor, and win back all that he loves and treasures, won't they? The story is illuminated with ten pen and ink illustrations.

Anthony L Manna

  For more info, visit  www.anthonymannabooks.com

Children's Interest

Romeo is a friendly dachshund who's life is made miserable by three big, mean neighborhood dogs. They bully him out of boredom. But when a burglar shows up it is Romeo who catches him. Romeo becomes a HERO, and the big dogs finally accept him and tell him, "You are a big dog in a little body!" They become friends and helpers of the police.
Author:  Silvia Beck Speyer  E-Mail: silviaspeyer@gmail.com
For complete info, visit www.silviaspeyer.com

Follow the exciting journey of a strong and proud little tree! Once remarked upon for her tall stature and growing limbs, an incredible storm leaves her scarred and the tree must fight all odds to regain the strength and beauty once marveled at by passersby. "The Lollipop Tree" is a beautiful and unusual story that young readers will come to love through seasons of change.
Author:  Karen Schaufeld   E-Mail: quidnepress@gmail.com
  For more info, visit  www.karenschaufeld.com

When her parents fought, Emily got so scared, she spilled her milk. A few days later, the family sat in the living room and Emily heard the word "divorce" for the first time. After Daddy moved out, Emily got angry, then learned that having a "Mommy House" and a "Daddy House" was OK-even fun-and they were "STILL A FAMILY".
E-Mail: lantonsandy@gmail.com
For complete info visit www.sandylanton.com
A children's picture book that celebrates the joy & power of civic action. Using straightforward description and meaningful metaphors that resonate with kindergarteners and fifth graders alike (yes, animals make an appearance), the text explains why citizens in a democracy-even the very youngest!-take to the streets in peaceful protest. The effect is a celebration of simple-yet-enduring collective values: love, fairness, and care for our planet.
E-Mail: kraegilbert@gmail.com
For complete info visit www.WhenWeMarch.com

Transformation and Women's Issues

This poetry book encompasses the very essence of transformation by understanding a change in the mindset brings about change in our lives. If you are looking for answers to questions that everyone as human beings face, such as: pride, pain, hurt, faith, patience, healing, time and season, etc., then this book is for you. A caterpillar must first go through the process of metamorphosis before it becomes a butterfly, and in the same way our minds must be renewed before we go through the process of changing our lives for the better.
  Author:  Carolyn Kyle E-Mail: cdkyle47@gmail.com
  For complete info visit www.kyleministries.com

The stories of these Latina women's lives depict conflict in gender bias, experiences of exploitation,violence, and powerlessness sometimes resulting in pain and despair in their turbulent worlds. But these stories also tell of these women's celebrations of life itself that empowers them and gives them the will to sustain.
Author: Francine Rodriguez  E-Mail: try.mediation@gmail.com 
For more info: www.francinerodriguezauthor.com

Children's Interest

The Mama Magina Books

Is it animal magic? Or the unique DNA of the wolf? This book presents three incredible stories that will transport you into a world of canine courage, endurance, bravery, and fortitude, which can be called nothing less than miraculous. Including the true story of an Arctic “mushing” experience, by author Mary Virginia Pittman, you will never look at the husky the same way again. Their demonstration of courage and bravery beyond imagination can only be attributed to the genetically imbued spirit of the wolf! The story of the 1925 Iditarod, Race of Mercy, is told in a unique way that will allow you to feel the arctic wind on your face and the husky’s warm breath and to hear the musher yell “Gee!" Animal lovers will be brought to tears, and new fans of the husky will be created for life. These are stories that are adventurous, heartwarming, and never to be forgotten.  xxx

 Mary Virginia  McCormick Pittman
Illustrated by Carol A. Howell
For complete order & info details,
E-Mail: mvp.texas@yahoo.com 

The Magic Hat
Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe love can create miracles? The Magic Hat will capture your heart in a wonderful way as you get to know a nurse named Annie who is batty about hats, a little girl named Julie who lives a miracle and a princess who gives a special test to a king. The King of Horses and more is part of this story that you’ll want to read again and again, letting its magic of hope and love fill your heart.
The Wood Cutter and The Tree
Many centuries ago in a small village in medieval England, a unique and wonderful event occurred that changed the lives of a community of people, and their environment, in a very special way. Do you believe that trees can talk? That Mother Nature’s creatures can live in harmony with the humans around them? Can we, as humans, be good custodians of Mother Earth, her resources, and our fellow creatures?
For complete order info and details write to
Author:  Donna Seebo 


Twisted But True   
Retired Sergeant Darren Burch takes you on a 30-year journey of dark, humorous and depraved cases from his experiences as a patrol officer, sex crimes detectives, and night detective in homicide, starting with his harrowing teenage encounter with a fatal car fire in Twisted Metal, followed by morbidly funny and outrageous stories, each more twisted than the last. This is not your typical "cop book." offers unique insights into humanity's dark and twisted side, and it is a pure joy to read. 

Twisted But True: Filling in the Cracks
Retired Phoenix Police Sergeant Darren Burch captivates you on another wild police ride-along with outrageously macabre and compelling stories from his thirty-year career as a rookie cop, sex crime detective, and night detective sergeant in the Phoenix Police Department's Homicide Unit in this gut-clinching, horrific, and oftentimes laugh-out-loud funny follow-up to Darren's award-winning true-crime book, Twisted But True
Author: Darren Burch  E-Mail: Cop-talk@outlook.com
  For more info, Visit www.TwistedButTrue.com

Twisted But True: Plugging Up The Holes
Darren's horrifically brutal and morbidly funny true-crime stories resumes with a vengeance, starting with manic stories like, finding a severed leg in "A Dumpster Fire," to the savagery of a triple murder in "Easter Massacre," to acts of depravity from sexual predators in "He's No Angel" and "Caught Red Faced," and even the supernatural with an inspirational tale in "Heavenly Sent."
Author: Darren Burch  E-Mail: Cop-talk@outlook.com
  For more info, Visit www.TwistedButTrue.com


A true story of a murder that took placenear Fort Benning, Georgia in 1944. Two Negro soldiers were court-martialed and sentenced to be hanged. One of the accused's mothers took the momentum task of praying and writing letters to congressmen and generals, trying to exonerate her son. Were her actions successful?

For complete order info & details send e-mail to
Author:  Arthur Phillips:

Art and Relationships

The Force of Art: A Life For Painting  
Van Den was South Vietnam's leading artist during the Vietnam War and the favorite of Saigon's American community. After the war, isolated from the outside world in a new political environment, he fell into oblivion. The book tells his moving life story, is richly illustrated, and gives a unique account of French Indochina's and Vietnam's political and cultural history.
E-Mail: juhani.murros@kolumbus.fi
For more info, visit https://juhanimurros.ampbk.com/
How To Raise Respectful Parents
A teen’s guide to navigating adult culture by equipping teens with communication skills. Teens will learn how to grow meaningful, more satisfying relationships with their parents through sample conversations and communication exercises about popular teen subjects including homework, driving, friends, dating, social media and more. Teens will feel empowered as they try their new communication skills at home, school and work, laying a foundation for entering adulthood.
E-Mail:  Laura@LauraLReagan.com
For more info, visit www.LauraLReagan.com

Fantasy Adventure

A robot possessing unique artificial intelligence and human awareness, André 1 tells the story of his creation and “growing up” in his inventor’s family. Often humorously fumbling in his interactions with people, André analyzes his experiences, attempting to understand the faults and foibles of human personality. Accompanied by his girlfriend, Dr.  Margaret 13, a droid physician of his own creation, André achieves a position as translator and self-appointed mendacity-monitor to the American President and strives to save humans from themselves.

The Navigator III: Repossession

Sometime CIA agent and former naval officer, Joe Anderson, is tasked to confiscate (steal back) an NSA-equipped spy ship from Havana, Cuba. Joe’s engineer and the smuggler who brought them to Cuba are arrested, which dangerously compromises Joe’s mission. His significant other, Mary, angry at him for accepting another CIA mission, goes to Cuba as a tourist with her zany friend, Frances; and the pair accidentally fall into trouble in Havana.  The dangerously impossible adventure becomes both dire and humorous.

Author: Steve Coleman  E-Mail: sbcolemanjr@bellsouth.net

Success and Freedom in America

How They Made It In America
Success Stories & Strategies of Immigrant
Fiona Citkin, who immigrated to America from Ukraine, examines the individual experiences of eighteen immigrant women from around the world and from all walks of life who today serve as models of success. In sharing their unique and complex stories, Citkin demonstrates how these women succeeded in America under exceptionally difficult circumstances through drive, grit, intelligence, compassion, and leadership skills.                        
Fiona Citkin: E-Mail: fiona.citkin@gmail.com
For more info, visit www.fionacitkin.com

Daniel S. Stackhouse, Jr. argues that the preambles to the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution form America's "mission statement",  He argues that the deeply held belief in America's founding principles led the new U.S.  to break off from the path which most of the rest of the globe had trodden throughout the ages and has continued to inspire and guide Americans ever since.

  For more info e-mail:  danielstackhouse@reagan.com
or check out the book on Amazon.com

Love of Coffee and Horses

A Month of Dunkin
For the Love of Coffee I spent thirty-one days roughing it in the trenches by going to a different Dunkin location each day (sometimes more than one!) and ordering a different item each time, all while trying to chat with strangers and find out more about myself as a reclusive full-time author. I hope you will enjoy the ride as much as I did, although in fairness I got to eat and drink all of the yummy items.

Author: Armand Rosamilia  E-Mail: armandrosamilia@gmail.com
For complete info: visit 

LUNA,The Mare with the Sky Blue Eyes
For everyone who loves horses, real and imaginary. A tale of a young mare nearly forgotten and left behind and the story of those who saved her. Two very different artists collaborate to tell the story of a very different horse. The true story is written by Dora Dillistone and beautifully illustrated by Taos Pueblo artist Jonathan Warm Day Coming.
Author:  Dora Dillistone    For complete order & info details,
 Web: www.storyofluna.com

Alternative Medicine

Anti-Psychiatry and the UN Assault
on the Mentally ILL
From the author of the highly acclaimed, Schizophrenia Medicine's Mystery Society's Shame, this present book exposes the danger of anti-psychiatry beliefs and their infiltration into the UN and that body's Convention on the Rights of Disabled Persons. Anti-psychiatry is another manifestation of the growing anti-science alternative medicine. This title is an evidence based refutation of anti-psychiatry and the danger it exposes for sufferers and families.
What's So Funny? The Autobiography of A Professional Schizophrenian, Artist, Public Speaker and Singer
Jude Mersereau became ill at 16 but has been relapse free for over 25 years. Today,she is a a successful artist, singer, and public speaker and has been married to a husband with chronic schizophrenia for 33 years. They have a daughter and two young grandchildren of 7 and 5. How she accomplished this when many people with schizophrenia have less success is the subject of her book with examples of her art work in color.

E-Mail: mross@bridgeross.com
  Visit: http://bridgeross.com/anti-psychiatry.html

Neuroscience and Christianity

When Neurons Tell Stories
In 2002, Erin was diagnosed with schizophrenia and went on to be hospitalized 14 times. Finally, antipsychotic medication helped her regain wellness, stability, and hope. Her memoir, When Quietness Came: A Neuroscientist's Personal Journey With Schizophrenia, was published in 2012 to considerable acclaim and she was awarded the prestigious Courage to Come Back award in 2019 from Vancouver Coastal Health.
E-Mail: mross@bridgeross.com
  Visit: http://bridgeross.com/anti-psychiatry.html

Putting Meaning Into Your Moments
A provocative reality check for Christianity struggling to stay relevant. America is being inundated by spiritual leaders who have sold-out to compromised values, world-friendly perspectives, and skewed agendas for the sake of catering to the masses. This book reveals counterfeit Christianity for what it is, beseeching believers to pay attention and empowering them to take responsive action to effectively minister to the misguided.

Politics, History and the Environment

The Curse of Dead Horse Canyon:
Cheyenne Spirits

A scandalous Top Secret project in the Colorado wilderness. A shaman's 19th Century curse. Northern Cheyenne, Charlie Littlewolf, returns to sacred teachings of his medicine man grandfather to solve his best friend's murder. Will he solve the mystery? Or wind up dead as well? This gripping cross-cultural thriller seamlessly blends high-tech and environmental issues with indigenous spiritual traditions, earning 5-stars from Readers' Favorite and finalist status from Book Excellence Awards.
Return To Dead Horse Canyon
Grandfather Spirits
When Charlie Littlewolf and Sara Reynolds discovered why her husband, Bryan, was murdered, their lives changed forever. While Charlie swore to avenge his white brother's death, the path to do so remains unclear. Sara is determined to fulfill Bryan's last request to expose the government corruption coupled with the lethal forces that stole his life. Releasing the scandalous Top Secret data via WikiLeaks infuriates those with much to lose, who place a high price on her demise. When her response gets too personal, the next attempt to silence her forever comes close to home.
E-Mail: marcha@kallioperisingpress.com
 Visit https://dead-horse-canyon.com

Children's Interest


Timmy happens upon a pony in a corral and begins talking to the pony. They seem to form a friendship and understand each other. Timmy's imagination takes the two of them on adventurous trips of jumping fences, running through woods, splashing in a river, and eating too many apples.
Author:  Marigayle Wallace 
E-Mail: wmarigayle41@yahoo.com
An Almost Very Scary Day
This coming-of-age story about overcoming scary moments will resonate with children young and old. It is an engaging book for children of all ages that highlights friendship, caring for others, a love for pets, and finding joy filled moments in life. Includes information about budgies and parakeets at the back to give children some non-fiction facts to connect with the story. Also available in Spanish

Author: Judy Ann Lowe   E-Mail: sajudylowe@gmail.com

How To Shake a Buckeye Tree
A children's book for all ages. It is a true story about a little girl who lives with her Great-Grandmother. It makes for a great bedtime story as the little girl must get off to bed at the end. They have a Buckeye tree in their yard which is a symbol of the awesome state of Ohio. It is educational and fun!

Author: Dayna Lemieu  E-Mail: FlyingVolunteer@gmail.com
Web: www.Howtoshakeabuckyeyetree.com

Who's Yawning Now?

Everyone yawns, including fish. You are invited to read each animal's account of where they live, some interesting facts about them, what they eat, and even some struggles that they go through on a daily basis, along with their level of threatened endangerment provided by The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
Author: Nicki Geigert  E-Mail: Nicki4Kids@aol.com
 Web: www.NickiGeigertBooks.com

A Girl's Greek Odyssey
Join Savannah, a teenager, as she travels through Greece and Crete with her aunt and uncle. Her aunt captures her photographically, as she experiences the food, the culture, and the history. As an athlete, she spends each day hiking, climbing, swimming, and running throughout the ruins of ancient Greece.

Family Trip To Madagascar and Beyond
It is about a family that went to Madagascar and then on to Zimbabwe. Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world and hosts a huge array of lemurs, fossas, aye-ayes, many species of plants, chameleons, and insects. The experience of traveling together with family to see new places and new things is such a pleasure. Travel together can add lifelong memories and bonding experiences for each individual family member.

  Author: Nicki Collins Geigert
E-Mail: Nicki4Kids@aol.com
  Visit: www.NickiGeigertBooks.com




Federal Judge Patrick O'Shea is found swinging from his courtroom chandelier clad only in his robe. Everyone wanted him dead. FBI task force officer Katie O'Connor and her team work to untangle an ever-growing list of suspects. Small town attorney Buck Davis helps by overseeing law clerks and identifying vengeful litigants. Davis juggles his small town practice with his budding romance with Katie and rebuilding his relationship with his opioid addicted brother.
Author: Katherine Burnette  E-Mail: katherineburnetteauthor@gmail.com
Web Site: www.katherineburnetteauthor.com
In 1990, Alice Weil was kidnapped in Colombia and held captive in a dark, windowless cell for 269 days. She tells the story of how she found the resources hidden deep inside her to survive captivity without taking her own life, losing her sanity or developing Stockholm syndrome. Upon her release, she was able to face her beloved father's passing, continue being a devoted mother and wife, and lead a normal, productive life. Pinnacle Award Winner.
Author:  Alice Weil  E-Mail: aliceweil@aol.com
Web Site: https://aliceweil.ampbk.com

Religion and Gratitude

Fearless: Smash the Patriachy
Aware that by declaring both artificial birth control and abortion grievous sins the patriarchal Catholic Church is profoundly endangering women’s lives, Sister Maggie O’Farrell realizes that evil prevails when good people remain silent. She decides to take up the cause for women’s reproductive rights, including abortion, within one of the wealthiest, most powerful institutions in the world. Some label her a heretic. Others call her a saint. Yet, everyone agrees that Sister Maggie O’Farrell is fearless. Inspired by a true story.
Author: Paula Dahl  E-Mail: pdail@charter.net
  Visit www.paula-dahl.com

A unique cookbook that offers an inspiring, well-rounded recipe selection, from breakfasts to desserts, with clear reminders that all whole foods are actually generous offerings of life. The book fosters environmental and spiritual awareness around our very primal connection with the natural world, plus with distinctive health benefits acknowledged and a Blessing on every page, you’ll rediscover a key missing ingredient for healthy meals: GRATITUDE.

Author:  Kathryn Lafond  E-Mail: kelafond@gmail.com
Web: www.kathrynlafond.com

Children's Interest

The Little White Light
The little white light has a special charm about it when it appears, bringing comfort to Penny at night and during the day. The Little White Light is about an inspiring relationship that reminds us we all have our spiritual guides, if we just look for them. Children of all ages, and adults too, will enjoy reading along with the delightful color illustrations. Also available in Spanish

MJ's New Friend
When MJ sees a new boy at soccer practice, MJ notices there is something different about him. As their friendship unfolds, MJ learns there is more to the boy than he realizes. It is up to MJ to "step up to the plate," look past their differences and find the heart of friendship in diversity. Includes information about the Pleiades at the back of the book. Also available in Spanish

Author: Judy Ann Lowe
E-Mail: sajudylowe@gmail.com

 Web: www.jspathways.com

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Ingrid Crawford at one of our actual booths at a trade show some years ago.